Showing 1-20 of 204
BV table
BV tableNotes : table
BR Table
colortableNotes : A custom made BR Table
Storm Total Rainfall Baron Lynx Style
Storm Total Rainfall Baron Lynx Style -
Baron Correlation Coefficient
This is my version of the correlation coefficient from Baron Lynx. -
Baron ZDR
My version of the ZDR from Baron. -
Vortexed Dowed
A outright overhual of the Vortex/Dow velo table. -
My HD Remake
A base reflectivity remake tableNotes : A modified HD colortable from WXTools -
Updated Hi-Res Max Velocity (BV & SRV)
This color table is most commonly found on TV stations. This version is a more identical replica. Most notable change is the red being enhanced and scaled properly. Green also had a slight brightness tweak. Also, an SRV version is now included with the download. The other color table will still be posted for those who like the other one better. Read More -
GREarth V3 Placefile Guide
This is the Placefile documentation specific to GREarth versions 3.1.0 and beyond. Placefiles for GREarth were added in version 3.1.0 and use a different format than GRLevel3 and GRLevel2AE. Read More
News 9 OKC Velocity
This is the velocity color table that News 9 in Oklahoma City uses. This is a exact replica. In order to access the file, unzip the folder it is in. Putting it in a zipped folder was the only way it could be uploaded. Read More -
StormBringer V1
Product: BR Units: DBZ Read MoreNotes : Working on making many more -
Spectral DBZ Table
My favorite color table based largely around Randy Chases spectral color map, with only a few minor value changes to the original Read More -
NOAA Radio Tranmitter Sites
my first placefile displays Tower Antenna Icon for NOAA transmitter sites with: Call Sign, Site name, Frequency, Power, Site Location, and Forecasting office made this for those that do radar Streaming on youtube so they know closest NOAA site in relation to storms so they can try to find a live feed of NOAA weather radio to listen to for their live feeds Read More -
KOCO Color Table Variations (1999)
These color tables (more specifically the SOLID version) are the official color tables that were used by KOCO in 1999. This is a complete replica. Read More -
Broadcast Stations' NROT
While this may be in the reflectivity section, it is actually an NROT color table. Many news stations use this when they switch to their "shear detector" product. This is a complete replica. Read More -
Custom Baron Reflectivity
This color table can often be seen used by Radar Omega. However, it is not a color table their app automatically provides. This is a complete replica. Read More -
The Weather Channel's HD Reflectivity
From 2011 to 2015, The Weather Channel used this color table. This is a complete replica of the original. Read More -
VelocityOmega (Fox Weather)
This .pal file is based on the velocity color table for Fox Weather's Baron radar system. -
custom Base Reflectivity color table
enjoy this custom base reflectivity color table for GR2Analyst -
Taye's Color Table Pack
A folder containing custom color tables based on those used by KWTV (NextGen Live and Doppler 9000 XL), KFOR (The Edge), WCPO (1990s/2000s Weather Tracker), Baron Doppler radars, The Weather Channel (WeatherStar and IntelliStar generations), pre-2000s National Weather Service radars (from Kavouras, Enterprise radars, and various stations and cable radar channels, and WSR-77D and NEXRAD systems) as well as original reflectivity and velocity tables. Read More