John’s Reflectivity

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    This color table is now on WxTools!


    I based this color table off of Radarscope, AWIPS, and Viper.

    This is my first color table and I plan to make more in the future.




    Made in Notepad++

    Made for RadarOmega

    Thumbnail made in Paint.Net

    Compatible with Gibson Ridge

    Smoothing not recommended.

    If you have any questions contact me on discord.


    Upon download you will receive a PAL file

    1. Now, open the Gibson Ridge software of your choice

    2. Go under View > Color Table Settings

    3. You will now see a menu that looks like this:

    4. Click Change now, click the PAL file you just downloaded.

    5. And your done!


    Update 1.1: Fixed 75 DBZ colors


    Update 1.2: Tweaked 20 - 30 DBZ colors


    Update 1.3: Made 50 - 60 transition smoother


    Update 1.4: Fixed note and added new thumbnails